Saturday, April 28, 2012

One Month

This week was the first week I actually noticed a difference in my body.  Looking in the mirror, I really can't see any difference, but I can tell a difference in how my clothes fit.  Thursday I was wearing a button up shirt which is one of my favorites, and about halfway through the day I looked down and realized how loose it was hanging.  I was in shock and also incredibly happy.  It's easy to get discouraged when weight loss is so gradual, but that little bit of extra room in my shirt was so encouraging.  

I was looking through old pictures, trying to find some to put up here so I can keep a visual track of my weight loss, and it was really surprising to see just how overweight I have been, how huge I have been.  It's a little disgusting to me that I allowed myself to get there.  I don't ever want to be that big again.  Ever.  

This is at one of my bridal showers, a couple years ago, with my mother (on the left) and mother-in-law (on the right).

This is me just a little less than a year ago, packing up our apartment.  

And, one of my favorite pictures from our wedding day two years ago, but still shocking to me how big I am.

Results for this week: 

Current weight: 243.6 lbs.
This week's loss: 1.8 lbs.
Total weight loss: 9.8 lbs.

This week's photo - The t-shirt I'm wearing is one I got in college and haven't felt comfortable wearing for about four or five years.  It feels good to fit back into the clothes I never thought I could wear again.  

I am so close to ten pounds, it makes me crazy!  But, for one month of being focused on weight loss, an almost-ten pound loss is pretty good.  I have a goal of losing ten more pounds in the next month.  My husband and I will be visiting our families in Texas at the end of May and I would love to be able to show up 20 lbs. lighter than the last time they saw me.  I know that this goal will require lots of hard work and dedication, but I think I'm up to it.  One of my classes ended last week and my other one ends this week, which means I will have much more time in my day for working out.  I get off work at 3 every day and so I'll be able to come home and get a workout in right away and have a lot more time to do it as well.  

I'm really proud of myself for sticking with this as long as I have.  Like I said before, this is something I will always start, but quit within a few days.  But I have stuck with it for a month now.  I am forming new habits, eating healthier has become easier, working out has become a regular part of my day, and it is getting easier to make better choices.  I know I still have a long way to go, still have over 100 lbs. to lose and still have lots of bad habits to get rid of, but I am still on the right track.  I haven't given up after a month and I don't plan on it now.

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